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Waiting an invitation to holiness

Lessons in waiting

  1. Waiting on GOD is by invitation - invited to join the Lord in whatever it is that He is wanting to impart into our lives.

  2. I can only learn to wait as I am waiting. Talking about it, staying over busy, distracted by honorable deeds, thoughts, daydreams, and imaginations is not waiting.

  3. Waiting takes dedicated time away from everything.

  4. Waiting is not only the anticipation of receiving things, answers to prayers, and blessings. It is getting to know the Giver

  5. Waiting is experiencing the essence and presence of the Lord as He reveals Himself through the Scriptures

  6. Waiting on GOD is me looking up to Him, while He is looking down on me. Psalm 33:18-22

  7. Waiting is Proverbs 2 gaining wisdom with knowledge and understanding

  8. Waiting is a privilege not everyone can wait, it's arduous work, denying oneself of comfort

  9. Waiting is opportunity to gain experience directly from the Master. He wants our full attention

  10. Waiting requires death to self, ego, pride, selfishness, void of tantrums to get what we want when we want it on demand.

  11. Waiting produces patience, a calm assurance there is something greater at work within and while waiting in this instance visiting with the Lord, answers to cares of life take on a new perspective. Psalms 37:7,9

  12. Waiting is done quietly. Lamentations 3:26; Isaiah 7:4; Isaiah 30:15

  13. We learn to wait to be honored recipients of His goodness. Lamentations 3:25

  14. Upon waiting on the Lord my heart is filled with a new song. Psalms 40:1,3

  15. Waiting gives me hope and cleanses my soul from sin. Psalm 29:7-8

  16. Waiting produces new strength. Isaiah 40:31

  17. Waiting is teaching me to be strong and "let" my heart take courage. Psalm 31:24

  18. Waiting produces loneliness which produces holiness

  19. Waiting is following the example of the Master. Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16

  20. The prophets of old waited with anticipation for the coming Messiah - Genesis, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Isaiah, Micah, Zechariah, and Malachi

  21. The Disciples waited with anticipation in the upper room for Holy Spirit. Acts 1:4

  22. Together both OT and NT people waited for a city whose builder and maker is GOD.

  23. Waiting for Believers today is anticipation of the catching away which could happen at any time. I Thessalonians 4:17

  24. Together with creation which groans for Christ's appearing we wait with anticipation of a new heaven and a new earth. Romans 8:22

  25. Waiting is continual

This blog should have a catchy title like Twenty-five Things I Have Learned While Waiting, however, it would be about my personal journey in waiting not looking from the other side of the lesson, the Lord is waiting on me to join Him. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock and if any man hears My voice, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3:20.

There is much to learn at the hand of the Master. Truth be known waiting is difficult and it is not without its challenges and distractions and it is only by the tutelage of Holy Spirit that one can really, I mean really learn to "wait" as the Lord intends the word to mean. GOD is always at work in and around the heart that waits continually upon Him. Not that He does that which is expected, but that He by very nature can do no less than be who He is, the only Giver of life.

When waiting, one needs to incredibly careful to keep His ways as found in Psalms 27:34. Without humility before Him and keeping oneself set aside it would be folly to think about knowing or experiencing anything that would be sustainable for a life time.

One might ask, "How can I continually wait on the Lord in the midst of the responsibilities of life?" The waiting heart knows it cannot do it alone. There are times of concentrated waiting separate from the mundane, but in general the heart that waits recognizes its constant need for connection and looks for it through the mundane, thus the work of Holy Spirit is manifested.

There is no conclusion to waiting on the Lord. He has only scratched the surface in teaching me, I have a lifetime to go yet and then only eternity will tell the real story.

What I hope for the reader is that you will seek the Lord in the waiting room of who He is. Learn from Him. Then live it out. Nothing that you lay down will compare to what will be imparted.

My soul, wait thou only upon GOD! Psalm 62:5-8

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